Date | 22/3/2010 |
Time | 10.55 am - 12.05 pm |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analysing alcohols |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Describe preparation of ethanol in lab. b) Describe the physical properties of ethanol. c) Describe the chemical properties of ethanol. |
Activities | Collect and interpret data on the physical and chemical properties of ethanol. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students understand and they are trying to remember all the properties and differentiate them with properties of alkane and alkene. However, at first they confuse about the breaking of single bond and formation of the double bond. After several times explained by teacher, they understand better. |
Date | 22/3/2010 |
Time | 12.05 pm - 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | Chemical Formulae And Equations |
Learning Objective | Interpreting chemical equations |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Write and balance chemical equation. |
Activities | Doing exercises balancing chemical equation. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | Students have difficulty in balancing equations. More examples should be given by teacher. This lesson should be repeated on next class. |
Date | 23/3/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 K 7 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Theme | Sets |
Learning Area | Sets |
Learning Objective | Understand and use the concept of subset, universal set and the complement of a set. |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Determine whether a given set is a subset of a specific set. b) Represent subset using Venn diagram. c) List the subsets for a specific set. |
Activities | Begin with everyday life situations. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | Only six of the students do the exercises given seriously. The rest of them do not really understand and do not pay attention during explanation by teacher. |
Date | 23/3/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analysing alcohols |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Describe the industrial production of ethanol b) Explain with examples the uses of alcohols in everyday life. c) Explain the effects of the misuse and abuse of alcohols. |
Activities | Collect and interpret data on : a) Uses of alcohols in everyday life. b) Effects of alcohol misuse and abuse. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students are very excited and show their interest towards today's lesson. Everyone is willing to give their opinions and asks so many questions to teachers. Teacher think students like this topic the most and try to relate with their own lifestyle. |
Date | 24/3/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | Chemical Formulae And Equations |
Learning Objective | Interpreting chemical equations |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State the meaning of chemical equation. b) Identify the reactants and products of a chemical equation. c) Write and balance chemical equations. |
Activities | Carry out the following activities : a) Determine the reactants and products from chemical equations. b) Write and balance chemical equations. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | At first half of the students confuse in determine which are the reactants and products because they do not carefully interpret the arrow in the equation. After several exercises have been done and guide by teacher, they understand better. Besides, during balancing equation they find it is very difficult since they cannot apply mathematics very well in this topic. Teacher should give them more examples until they really understand before giving exercises. |
Date | 24/3/2010 |
Time | 9.45 am - 10.55 am |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | Chemical Formulae And Equations |
Learning Objective | Interpreting chemical equations |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Write and balance chemical equation. |
Activities | Doing exercises on balancing chemical equation. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Only two of students really master this subtopic. The rest of them are very slow and take too much time to solve each equation. Teacher should give more exercises as their homework and practices. |
Date | 24/3/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 5 Science 2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Synthesising ideas on isomerism Analysing alcohols |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Use IUPAC nomenclature to name isomers. b) State the general formula of alcohols. c) Identify the functional group of alcohols. d) List the names and the molecular formulae of the first four alcohols. |
Activities | a) Name the isomers using IUPAC nomenclature. b) Construct a table of names and molecular formulae for the first four alcohols. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | About 10 of the students do not understand well how to give name to isomers of alkane and alkene. Teacher has to guide them each time naming those compounds. All of students understand well about alcohols because it is quite simple in straight chain structure. |
Date | 25/3/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 5 Science 2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analysing alcohols |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Draw structural formulae for isomers of propanol and butanol. b) Name isomers of propanol and butanol using IUPAC nomenclature. |
Activities | Carry out an activity to draw various possible structural formulae of the first four alcohols and name them. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students are able to draw all possibble structure of propanol and butanol. They also try to give the correct name for each of isomers. |
Date | 25/3/2010 |
Time | 8.50 am - 9.25 am |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analysing alkanes Analysing alkenes |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer all the exercises given in the previous lesson correctly. |
Activities | Doing discussion about exercises in Effective Practice A and B. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Only 5 of the students give the correct answer for all of the questions. From teacher's observation, the most difficult question that student cannot answer properly is regarding reaction of alkanes. So, teacher takes initiative by adding some more examples of substitution reaction to gain their understanding. |
Date | 25/3/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 K 7 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Theme | Sets |
Learning Area | Sets |
Learning Objective | Understand and use the concept of subset, universal set and the complement of a set. |
Learning Outcome | Students is able to : a) Illustrate the relationship between set and universal set using Venn diagram. b) Determine the complement of a given set. c) Determine the relationship between set, subset, universal set and the complement of a set. |
Activities | Discuss the relationship between sets and universal sets. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | Only 4 of the students understand well. The rest of them have to be guide by teacher because they are really weak. So many terms in this chapter they do not know. |
Date | 26/3/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | Chemical Formulae And Equations |
Learning Objective | Interpreting chemical equations |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Interpret chemical equations quantitatively and qualitatively. b) Solve numerical problems using chemical equations. |
Activities | Carry out the following activities : a) Interpret chemical equations quantitatively and qualitatively. b) Solve numerical problems using chemical equations. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Students do not understand well and cannot apply the previous knowledge into this lesson. This makes them difficult to solve each of the problem solving. Teacher has to repeat and give more examples because even though teacher give several examples they still do not understand. |
Date | 26/3/2010 |
Time | 9.45 am - 10.40 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | Chemical Formulae And Equations |
Learning Objective | Interpreting chemical equations |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Interpret chemical equations quantitatively and qualitatively. b) Solve numerical problems using chemical equations. |
Activities | Carry out the following activities : a) Interpret chemical equations quantitatively and qualitatively. b) Solve numerical problems using chemical equations. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Only 5 of the students get confuse during explanation because they actually do not give full attention. After several explanations, they understand better. Then, through exercises given by teacher, they can answer all 3 questions correctly. |
Cuti Ganti (27/3/2010)
Date | 27/3/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 5 Science 2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analysing alcohols |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Describe preparation of ethanol in lab. b) Describe the physical properties of ethanol. c) Describe the chemical properties of ethanol. |
Activities | Collect and interpret data on the physical and chemical properties of ethanol. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students understand today's topic. They can explain the physical and chemical properties of ethanol because they have prior knowledge about combustion and oxidation reaction. |
Date | 27/3/2010 |
Time | 8.50 am - 9.25 am |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analysing alcohol |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer all the exercises given in the previous lesson correctly. |
Activities | Discuss exercises in Effective Practice C and D. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Only ten of students answer the questions correctly. Teacher discusses more detail because student cannot answer properly about reaction of alkenes. |
Date | 27/3/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 K 7 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Theme | Sets |
Learning Area | Sets |
Learning Objective | Perform operations on sets |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Determine the intersection of two sets and three sets. b) Represent the intersection of sets using Venn diagram. |
Activities | Discuss several cases. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | Teacher gives exercises to evaluate them. Most of them can do the exercises and they are willing to ask teacher if do not understand. Teacher guide them during doing the exercises. |
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