Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 8(20/2/2012-24/2/2012)




9.45 am - 10.55 am


5 Science 1




Interaction Between Chemicals

Learning Area

Carbon Compounds

Learning Objective

Analyzing Alkenes

Learning Outcome

Student is able to:
a) Describe chemical properties of alkenes.
b) Compare and contrast alkanes with alkenes.
c) Relate the reactivity of alkanes and alkenes to their chemical bonds.

Generalise the characteristics of homologous series based on alkanes and alkenes.


Discuss :
a) The addition reaction of alkenes.
b) The polymerization of alkenes.
c) Compare properties of alkanes and alkenes.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


Today's objectives are achieved. All of students find today's lesson is a bit easy because of the concept applied on all of the addition reactions are the same. All of them are able to draw the structural formula involved for the reaction either drawing the reactant or product. Students also able to differentiate the chemical properties as well as describe the confirmatory test for alkanes and alkenes.





11.30 am - 12.40 pm


4 Science 1




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyzing the relationship between the number of moles of a gas with its volume.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of molar volume of a gas
b) Relate molar volume of a gas to the Avogadro constant.
c) Make generalization on the molar volume of a gas at a given temperature and pressure.
d) Calculate the volume of gases at STP or room conditions from the number of moles and vice versa.
e) Solve numerical problems involving number of particles, number of moles, mass of substances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.


a) Collect and interpret data on molar volume of a gas.
b) Carry out problem solving activities involving number of particles, number of moles, mass of a substances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first, 7 of the students confuse with the condition for the molar volume. They cannot see the differences obtain from the question of problem solving about standard room temperature pressure and room conditions. Teacher gives as many examples until all of them understand well. Finally, all of students understand today's lesson and able to do the exercises in the textbook by applying all the formulas that had been learn.






7.05 am – 8.15 am


5 K 1




Man And The Variety Of Living Things

Learning Area

Microorganisms and their effects on living things

Learning Objective

Revision on chapter 1

Learning Outcome

Student is able to give correct answers for exercises in the workbook


Students do the exercises in the workbook to evaluate their knowledge on chapter 1

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Power point presentation

d) Workbook


Today's lesson focuses on revision of chapter 1 as preparation for test. Students do the exercises in the workbook as instruct by teacher. They ask if do not understand. Students also refer to notes given by teacher to reinforce their knowledge.





9.45 am – 10.55 am


4 Science 2




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyzing the relationship between the number of moles of a gas with its volume.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of molar volume of a gas
b) Relate molar volume of a gas to the Avogadro constant.
c) Make generalization on the molar volume of a gas at a given temperature and pressure.
d) Calculate the volume of gases at STP or room conditions from the number of moles and vice versa.
e) Solve numerical problems involving number of particles, number of moles, mass of substances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.


a) Collect and interpret data on molar volume of a gas.
b) Carry out problem solving activities involving number of particles, number of moles, mass of a substances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Today's objectives are achieved. Students are able to state the conditions for molar volume. They also able to apply three of the formula into the calculation for problem solving. Got 6 of the students ask teacher because they do not really understand the question. Teacher guides and monitors them during exercises time.





8.15 am - 9.05 am


4 Science 3




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyzing the relationship between the number of moles of a gas with its volume.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of molar volume of a gas
b) Relate molar volume of a gas to the Avogadro constant.
c) Make generalization on the molar volume of a gas at a given temperature and pressure.
d) Calculate the volume of gases at STP or room conditions from the number of moles and vice versa.
e) Solve numerical problems involving number of particles, number of moles, mass of substances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.


a) Collect and interpret data on molar volume of a gas.
b) Carry out problem solving activities involving number of particles, number of moles, mass of a substances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first, half of the students do not really understand today's lesson. They complain teacher goes to fast regarding the usage of formula. Teacher repeats the explanation step by step and gives the different examples of question for different conditions of molar volume. Finally, students understand well today's lesson and able to do the exercises in the textbook as ask by teacher.





9.05 am - 10.05 am


5 Science 1




Interaction Between Chemicals

Learning Area

Carbon Compounds

Learning Objective

Synthesizing ideas on isomerism

Learning Outcome

Students is able to :
a) Construct various structural formulae of a particular alkane and alkene.
b) Explain what isomerism is.

c) Use IUPAC nomenclature to name isomers.


Discuss :

a) Isomerism
b) Construct and examine all possible models and draw structural formulae for a particular alkane and alkene.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


Today's class is very exciting. Students involved actively in the discussion and they find the lesson is very interesting. Upon drawing the structural formulas for isomers, students become more confuse because of the straight chain alkanes which look similar to branch chain alkanes. Teacher gives as many examples and explanation regarding isomers for alkanes and alkenes especially for drawing of the structural formulas and giving names. Teacher evaluates students' understanding by giving exercises to them. Today's objectives are achieved since all of them are able to complete the exercises correctly.





11.40 am - 12.40 pm


4 K 9




Maintenance And Continuity Of Life

Learning Area

Body Coordination

Learning Objective

Understanding the human nervous system

Learning Outcome

Student is able to compare and contrast different part of neurone


Build table to show comparison of different part in neurone

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Teacher reinforces students by recall back their previous knowledge. Teacher asks a lot of questions and students use their prior knowledge to answer them correctly. Teacher then instructs the students to build a table of comparisons therefore it is easier for students to understand the content and important points.





7.05 am - 8.15 am


4 Science 1




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Synthesizing chemical formulae

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of chemical formula.
b) State the meaning of empirical formula.
c) State the meaning of molecular formula.
d) Determine empirical and molecular formulae of substances.
e) Compare and contrast empirical formulae with molecular formula.
f) Solve numerical problems involving empirical and molecular formulae.


Collect and interpret data on chemical formula, empirical formula and molecular formula.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Today's objectives are achieved. Students are able compare the empirical formula with molecular formula as well as gives definition. All of them are able to solve the problems involving empirical formula and molecular formula.





9.45 am - 10.55 am


4 Science 2




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Synthesizing chemical formulae

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of chemical formula.
b) State the meaning of empirical formula.
c) State the meaning of molecular formula.
d) Determine empirical and molecular formulae of substances.
e) Compare and contrast empirical formulae with molecular formula.
f) Solve numerical problems involving empirical and molecular formulae.


Collect and interpret data on chemical formula, empirical formula and molecular formula.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first, 5 of the students do not understand well today's lesson. They put the simple concept in a difficult way because of stress. Teacher gives personal explanation to 5 of them to make sure they can absorb they lesson smoothly. Finally all of them are able to solve the problems involving empirical formula and molecular formula. Today's objectives are achieved.





12.05 pm – 12.40 pm


5 K 1




Maintenance And Continuity Of Life

Learning Area

Nutrition And Food Production

Learning Objective

Appreciating the importance of having good nutrition

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :

a) Practise healthy eating habits

b) Plan how to manage food resources to avoid wastage

c) Describe the benefits of having healthy eating habits.


Discuss the benefits of having healthy eating habits

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Power point presentation

d) Workbook


All of students are able to describe the healthy eating habits and planning on how to manage food resources. They also want to practice healthy eating habits in their lifestyle.





9.40 am – 10.40 am


5 K 1




Balance And Management Of The Environment

Learning Area

Preservation And Conservation Of The Environment

Learning Objective

Analysing balance in nature

Learning Outcome

A student is able to :

a) Describe what balance in nature is

b) State the natural cycles that help to maintain balance in nature

c) Explain how these natural cycles help to maintain balance in nature

d) Explain how food webs help to maintain balance in nature


Discuss :

a) The meaning of balance in nature

b) The roles of the three natural cycles in maintaining balance in nature, i.e. nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle and water cycle.

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Workbook


Today's lesson is very interesting. All of students involved actively during the discussion. They are able to explain the nitrogen, carbon and water cycle very well. They give many ideas when reach to discussion about food chain and food web. Teacher uses examples that relate with their daily life experiences to make them understand better. Today's objectives are achieved, students do the exercises in the workbook to evaluate their understanding.





10.40 am - 11.40 am


4 Science 3




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Synthesizing chemical formulae

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of chemical formula.
b) State the meaning of empirical formula.
c) State the meaning of molecular formula.
d) Determine empirical and molecular formulae of substances.
e) Compare and contrast empirical formulae with molecular formula.
f) Solve numerical problems involving empirical and molecular formulae.


Collect and interpret data on chemical formula, empirical formula and molecular formula.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


4 of the students have difficulties in calculation of the empirical formulas as they are weak and do not master the previous lesson. Teacher shows as many examples to make sure all of them understand well. A t last, all of students are able to do the exercises since they find it is easier by using simple mathematic for the calculation. Teacher encourages students to follow step by step for calculation. Today's objectives are achieved when all of them are able to the exercises given by teacher.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week 7(13/2/2012-17/2/2012)




9.45 am - 10.55 am


5 Science 1




Interaction Between Chemicals

Learning Area

Carbon Compounds

Learning Objective

Analyzing alkanes

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Relate physical changes in physical properties with increase in the number of carbon atoms in alkane molecules.
b) Explain the effects of the increase in number of carbon atoms in alkane molecules on the molecules boiling points.
c) Describe complete and incomplete combustion of alkanes.

d) Describe the substitution reaction of alkanes.
e) Write chemical equations for combustion and substitution reactions of methane.
f) Describe how methane affects everyday life.



a) The relationship between changes in physical properties with increase in the number of carbon atoms in alkane molecules.
b) The effect on boiling points of alkanes due to increase in the number of carbon atoms in alkane molecules.
c) The complete and incomplete combustion of alkanes

d) The complete and incomplete combustion of alkanes.
e) The substitution reaction of alkanes.
f) The decomposition of organic matter produces methane and how this may cause fire in landfills and peat swamps.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to describe the changes in physical properties with the number of carbon atoms in the alkane molecules. They also able to write the equation for combustion either in complete combustion or incomplete combustion as well as halogenations. Teacher evaluates their knowledge by asking them to do exercises in the textbook.





11.30 am - 12.40 pm


4 Science 1




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyze the relationship between the numbers of moles with the number of particles.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Define a mole.
b) State the meaning of Avogadro constant.
c) Relate the number of particles ion one mole of substance using the Avogadro constant.
d) Solve numerical problems to convert number of moles of particles of a given substance and vice versa.


a) Study the mole concept.
b) Collect and interpret data on Avogadro's Constant.
c) Discuss the relationship between numbers of particles in one mole of a substance with Avogadro's constant.

d) Solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of particles of a given substance and vice versa.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first, students get confuse with the definition of mole relate to 12g of carbon-12. Teacher recalls back their knowledge on the definition of relative atomic mass also relates with carbon-12. Students have no problems during problem solving. They engage actively by discuss among group members and get the correct answers. Today's objectives are achieved.





7.05 am – 8.15 am


5 K 1




Maintenance And Continuity Of Life

Learning Area

Nutrition And Food Production

Learning Objective

Analysing the nutrient requirements of plants

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :

a) State what macronutrients are

b) List macronutrients

c) State what micronutrients are

d) List micronutrients

e) State the effects of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium deficiency on plant growth

f) State the major functions of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in plant growth.


a) Discuss what macronutrients are

b) Give a list of macronutrients

c) Discuss what micronutrients are

d) Give a list of micronutrients

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Power point presentation

d) Workbook


Students do not understand the photosynthesis process. Teacher repeats the explanation as well as shows diagram to make them understand better. Students are able to differentiate between macronutrients and micronutrients. They also able to list the examples of them. By using their own experiences, discussion continue on the effect of deficiency of nutrients in plants. Students share their thoughts and teacher reinforces them by giving notes on the effect. Today's objectives are achieved.





9.45 am – 10.55 am


4 Science 2




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyze the relationship between the numbers of moles with the number of particles.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Define a mole.
b) State the meaning of Avogadro constant.
c) Relate the number of particles ion one mole of substance using the Avogadro constant.
d) Solve numerical problems to convert number of moles of particles of a given substance and vice versa.


a) Study the mole concept.
b) Collect and interpret data on Avogadro's Constant.
c) Discuss the relationship between numbers of particles in one mole of a substance with Avogadro's constant.

d) Solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of particles of a given substance and vice versa.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


All of students are able to understand today's lesson. They are able to calculate and solve the problems. However, got 3 of the students need guidance during exercises time because they do not understand the statement of the questions. Teacher guides and monitor them. Today's objectives are achieved.





7.05 am - 8.15 am


4 Science 3




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyze the relationship between the numbers of moles with the number of particles.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Define a mole.
b) State the meaning of Avogadro constant.
c) Relate the number of particles ion one mole of substance using the Avogadro constant.
d) Solve numerical problems to convert number of moles of particles of a given substance and vice versa.


a) Study the mole concept.
b) Collect and interpret data on Avogadro's Constant.
c) Discuss the relationship between numbers of particles in one mole of a substance with Avogadro's constant.

d) Solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of particles of a given substance and vice versa.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Today's objectives are achieved. At first, about 10 of the students not understand the calculation step. They did not use the formula given by teacher in order to solve the problems. Teacher has to remind them about the formula each time during calculation. Students seem weak on applying the calculation and solve the problems when the questions are tricky. Teacher guides and ask them to do the exercises in the textbook. During exercises time, from teacher's observation, students show improvement and ask for difficult question only in which they do not understand the statement of the problem. Overall, students understand well at the end of the lesson through evaluation from the problem solving.





8.15 am - 9.25 am


5 Science 1




Interaction Between Chemicals

Learning Area

Carbon Compounds

Learning Objective

Analysing Alkenes

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State what alkene is.
b) Deduce the molecular formulae of the first nine alkenes.
c) Name the first nine alkenes.
d) Draw the structural formulae for the first nine straight chain alkenes.

e) Relate changes in physical properties with increase in the number of carbon atoms in alkene molecules.
f) Explain the effects on boiling points of alkenes due to increase in the number of carbon atoms in alkene molecules.


Collect and interpret data on the meaning of alkene, the general formula, molecular formulae and structural formula of the first ten alkenes and physical properties of alkenes.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


All of students understand today's lesson. They feel it is easy since alkene is quite similar with alkane except the molecular formula and the existence of double bond. They are able to draw the structural formulae for the alkenes, giving names and describe the trend in physical properties of alkenes.





11.30 am - 12.40 pm


4 K 9




Maintenance And Continuity Of Life

Learning Area

Body Coordination

Learning Objective

Understanding the human nervous system

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :

a) state what neuron is

b) Identify the parts of a neurone

c) State the function of each part of the neurone


Discuss the function of component part of the neurone

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Today's discussion focus on drawing the structure of neurone. All of students are able to state and label the parts of a neurone. Teacher reinforces their prior knowledge by explain the function of each part of the neurone. Several students ask about the function and they show curiosity towards the lesson.





7.05 am - 8.15 am


4 Science 1




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyzing the relationship between the number of moles of a substance with its mass.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of molar mass.
b) Relate molar mass to the Avogadro constant.
c) Relate molar mass of a substance to its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass.
d) Solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of a given substance to its mass and vice versa.


Discuss :
a) Meaning of molar mass.
b) To relate molar mass with the Avogadro constant.
c) To relate molar mass of a substance with its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first, about 12 of the students do not understand because they already forget the formula regarding number of moles and the number of particles. They lost during problem solving because unable to apply this formula. Teacher gives 3 examples to make sure they master this subtopic. During explanation, students ask several questions that they do not understand. Teacher explains clearly therefore students understand better. Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to do the exercises given by teacher.





9.45 am - 10.55 am


4 Science 2




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyzing the relationship between the number of moles of a substance with its mass.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of molar mass.
b) Relate molar mass to the Avogadro constant.
c) Relate molar mass of a substance to its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass.
d) Solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of a given substance to its mass and vice versa.


Discuss :
a) Meaning of molar mass.
b) To relate molar mass with the Avogadro constant.
c) To relate molar mass of a substance with its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first, about 4 of the students find very hard to understand the simple concept of molar mass. Teacher highlight the different among relative atomic mass, relative molecular mass, relative formula mass and molar mass. Finally all of them understand. During problem solving, teacher discovers that all of students understand well today's lesson and they find it is easy compare to previous lesson. The problem during the exercises time is those students do not understand the question. Teacher guide and monitor them during exercises. Today's objectives are achieved.





12.05 pm – 12.40 pm


5 K 1




Maintenance And Continuity Of Life

Learning Area

Nutrition And Food Production

Learning Objective

Analysing the nutrient requirements of plants

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :

a) State what macronutrients are

b) List macronutrients

c) State what micronutrients are

d) List micronutrients

e) State the effects of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium deficiency on plant growth

f) State the major functions of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in plant growth.


a) Discuss what macronutrients are

b) Give a list of macronutrients

c) Discuss what micronutrients are

d) Give a list of micronutrients

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Power point presentation

d) Workbook


Today's class focuses on the applying and evaluates students' knowledge into exercises. Teacher asks students to do exercises in the workbook and discuss afterward. Teacher discovers that only 5 of the students do not complete the exercises since they do not understand and cannot find the answer. At the end of the lesson, teacher summarizes the important thing that students have to remember.





9.40 am – 10.40 am


5 K 1




Maintenance And Continuity Of Life

Learning Area

Nutrition And Food Production

Learning Objective

Analysing nitrogen cycle and its importance

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :

a) Describe nitrogen cycle

b) Explain the processes involved in nitrogen cycle

c) Explain the importance of nitrogen cycle.


Discuss the following:

a) The nitrogen cycle

b) The processes involved in the nitrogen cycle

c) The importance of the nitrogen cycle.

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Power point presentation

d) Workbook


Today's objectives are achieved. Diagram and pictures help a lot on student's understanding about nitrogen cycle. Students are able to give examples of plant and animals involved in order to understand well the cycle. They also able to state the important of the nitrogen cycle to plant, animal and ecosystem.





10.40 am - 11.40 am


4 Science 3




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Formulae And Equations

Learning Objective

Analyzing the relationship between the number of moles of a substance with its mass.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of molar mass.
b) Relate molar mass to the Avogadro constant.
c) Relate molar mass of a substance to its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass.
d) Solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of a given substance to its mass and vice versa.


Discuss :
a) Meaning of molar mass.
b) To relate molar mass with the Avogadro constant.
c) To relate molar mass of a substance with its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first, 8 of the students do not understand because they do not remember the previous lesson. Therefore they unable to relate it with today's lesson. Teacher recalls back their knowledge on the formula involved for calculation. After that, they understand better. However, 2 of the student find it very difficult since they are weak in mathematics. They cannot apply both of the formula into the problem solving. Teacher has to guides them step by step for each question. Examples given by teacher help them a lot. Teacher asks students to do the exercises to evaluate their understanding.