Friday, April 27, 2012

Week 17(23/4/2012-27/4/2012)




8.15 am - 9.25 am


4 Science 1




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Bonds

Learning Objective

Synthesizing ideas on formation of ionic bond.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Explain formation of ions.
b) Write electron arrangements for the ions formed.
c) Illustrate electron arrangement of an ionic bond.
d) Illustrate formation of ionic bond.


Gather information and discuss the ionic bond.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


About 20 of the students understand the concept of ionic bond formation. 10 of them pretend to understand but they are failed to give the answers correctly during exercises time. Teacher monitors and guides them during exercises time. Teacher repeats the explanation to make sure they understand clearly. Finally they are able to do draw and explain the formation of ionic bond. Today's objectives are achieved.





9.45 am - 10.55 am


5 K 1




Matter In Nature

Learning Area

Carbon Compounds

Learning Objective

Analysing the process of making soap from oil and the cleansing action of soap

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :

a) State that oils contain fatty acids and glycerol

b) Give an example of fatty acids

c) Describe the process of making soap

d) State that soap is a salt produced by the reaction between sodium hydroxide and fatty acids

e) State the characteristics of the components of a soap molecule

f) Explain the cleansing action of soap molecules.


Discuss the following :

a) Oils contain fatty acids and glycerol

b) Examples of fatty acids.

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book

c) Workbook


All of students involved actively in today's lesson. They give brilliant ideas on the action of soap during cleansing. Teacher asks all of students to draw the cleansing action of soap in their book and answering the question in the workbook. Teacher monitors them during exercises time.





8.15 am - 9.15 am


4 Science 3




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Bonds

Learning Objective

Synthesizing ideas on formation of ionic bond.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Explain formation of ions.
b) Write electron arrangements for the ions formed.
c) Illustrate electron arrangement of an ionic bond.
d) Illustrate formation of ionic bond.


Gather information and discuss the ionic bond.

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


All of students are able to do the formation of cation and anion. Teacher gives many examples of ionic bonds formation before give them exercises to do. Students seem understand well today's lesson. However, teacher still guides them during exercises time because teacher discovers that 3 of them are weak and kind of slow in order to complete the exercises.





9.45 am - 10.55 am


5 Science 1




Interaction  Between Chemicals

Learning Area

Oxidation And Reduction

Learning Objective

Analyzing rusting as a redox reaction

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the conditions for the rusting of iron

b) State what corrosion of metal is

c) Describe the process of rusting in terms of oxidation and reduction

d) Generate ideas on the use of other metals to control rusting

e) Explain with examples on the use of a more electropositive metal to control metal corrosion

f) Explain with examples on the use of a less electropositive metal to control metal corrosion.


Discuss :
a) Conditions for the rusting of iron

b) The meaning of corrosion of metal

c) The process of rusting in terms of oxidation and reduction

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


Today's objectives are achieved. Students find today's lesson is quite easy because relate with their daily life experiences. They are willing to contribute ideas and some of them already study this subtopic before enter the class. Teacher asks several students to repeat the explanation about the mechanism of rusting and they are able to explain clearly. Students also able to use their prior knowledge on electrochemical series and apply it for the reactivity series.





11.40 am - 12.40 pm


4 K 9




Maintenance And Continuity Of Life

Learning Area

Body Coordination

Learning Objective

Understanding cell division

Learning Outcome

Student is able to state what meiosis is


Doing activity by drawing the stages in meiosis for each student

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Most of the students do not master this subtopic since them unable to draw it correctly. Teacher has to reinforce them more on this subtopic.





7.05 am – 8.15 am


4 Science 1




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Bonds

Learning Objective

Synthesising ideas on formation of covalent bond

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of covalent bond
b) Explain formation of covalent bond
c) Illustrate formation of a covalent bond by drawing electron arrangement
d) Illustrate formation of covalent bond
e) Compare and contrast formation of ionic and covalent bonds


Collect and interpret data on formation of covalent bond.

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


4 of the students are weak on this subtopic. They cannot differentiate between ionic bond and covalent bond. Teacher has to monitors them during exercises time. The rest of them have no problem and find it is easy compare to ionic bond. They also able to illustrate the Lewis Structure very well.





9.45 am – 10.55 am


4 Science 2




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Bonds

Learning Objective

Understanding formation of compounds

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Explain the stability of inert gases.
b) Explain conditions for the formation of chemical bonds.
c) State types of chemical bonds.


Discuss :
a) The stability of inert gases.
b) Conditions for the formation of chemical bonds.
c) Types of chemical bonds.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Text book
b) Reference book


At first, most of the students have difficulties. Teacher asks the mentor to play their role during exercises time. Mentor guides their group members that have difficulties when doing the exercises. They discuss in group and actively involved. About 20 of them are able to do the formation of cation and anion.





12.10 pm – 12.40 pm


5 K 1




Matter In Nature

Learning Area

Carbon Compounds

Learning Objective

Understanding natural polymers

Learning Outcome

A student is able to :

a) State what a polymer is

b) Give examples of polymer

c) State what a monomer is

d) Give examples of monomer


Discuss the following :

a) What polymers and monomers are

b) Examples of polymer and monomer

c) What polimerisation is

d) What depolymerisation is

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Workbook


All of students understand well today's lesson. Teacher uses analogy to make them clearer about the concept of polymerization and depolymerization. Students also able to differentiate between polymer and monomer. Today's objectives are achieved. Teacher gives exercises to evaluate their understanding.





7.05 am - 8.15 am


4 Science 3




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Bonds

Learning Objective

Synthesising ideas on formation of covalent bond

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) State the meaning of covalent bond
b) Explain formation of covalent bond
c) Illustrate formation of a covalent bond by drawing electron arrangement
d) Illustrate formation of covalent bond
e) Compare and contrast formation of ionic and covalent bonds


Collect and interpret data on formation of covalent bond.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Today's objectives are achieved. Students are able to illustrate the formation of covalent bond as well as Lewis Structure. They do many exercises on drawing to evaluate their understanding. They also able to differentiate the formation of ionic bond and covalent bond. Students participate actively in today's lesson and always want to get teacher's attention especially during exercises time.





8.15 am – 9.25 am


5 Science 1




Interaction  Between Chemicals

Learning Area

Oxidation And Reduction

Learning Objective

Understanding the reactivity series of metals and its application

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Compare the differences in the vigour of the reactions of some metals with oxygen.
b) Deduce the reactivity series of metals.
c) Determine the position of carbon and hydrogen in the reactivity series of metals.
d) State what the reactivity series of metals are.
e) Describe the extraction of iron from their ores.


Discuss :
a) Reactivity of some metals with oxygen.
b) Position of carbon and hydrogen in the reactivity series of metal.
c) Extraction of iron.

Noble Values

Appreciating the contribution of science and technology.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


At first teacher asks students to discuss all the subtopic involves in today's lesson. After that, teacher instructs several students to explain to their friend in front of the class regarding the subtopics based on several divisions. Students are able to make it with confidence. They explain with the help of diagram and chemical equations. Students show their understanding through the explanations. Today's objectives are achieved.





8.15 am - 9.25 am


4 Science 2




Matter Around Us

Learning Area

Chemical Bonds

Learning Objective

Synthesizing ideas on formation of ionic bond.

Learning Outcome

Student is able to :
a) Explain formation of ions.
b) Write electron arrangements for the ions formed.
c) Illustrate electron arrangement of an ionic bond.
d) Illustrate formation of ionic bond.


Gather information and discuss the ionic bond.

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance of nature.

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book


Several students have difficulties since they did not even remember the ions with their charges. Teacher has to guide them and grouping them in a group of weak students. The rest of students are able to complete the exercises given by teacher. Teacher monitors students during exercises time. Additional exercises is given to make sure that students master this subtopic.





10.40 am – 11.40 am


5 K 1




Matter In Nature

Learning Area

Carbon Compounds

Learning Objective

Analysing the process of making soap from oil

Learning Outcome

Student is able to do the experiment of making soap properly


Doing experiment of making soap

Noble Values

Appreciating the balance in nature

Teaching Aids

a) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Workbook


All of students are able to do the experiment smoothly and obtain the good results.



Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 16(16/4/2012-21/4/2012)

Time8.15 am - 9.25 am
Class 4 Science 1
ThemeMatter Around Us
Learning AreaPeriodic Table Of Elements
Learning ObjectiveAnalysing elements in a Period
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) List all elements in Period 3.
b) Write electron arrangements of all elements in Period 3.
c) Describe changes in the properties of elements across Period 3.
d) State changes in the properties of the oxides of elements across Period 3.
e) Predict changes in the properties of elements across Period 2.
f) Describe uses of semi-metals.

g) Identify the positions of the transition elements in the Periodic Table
h) Give examples of transition elements
i) Describe properties of transition elements
j) State uses of transition elements in industries
ActivitiesDiscuss :
a) Changes in the properties of elements across Period 3.
b) Properties of transition elements with respect to melting points, density, variable oxidation numbers and ability to form coloured compounds.
Noble ValuesAppreciating the balance of nature.
Teaching Aidsa) Text book
b) Reference book
Today's objectives not fully achieved since 5 of the students do not really understand the lesson. Teacher goes group by group to get the respond from students. Several of them do not understand because get confuse about the trend of atomic size, electronegativity and reactivity across the period. They cannot differentiate with the previous lesson. Teacher takes initiatives by recall back their prior knowledge and compare with today's lesson. The rest of them do not have problems and are able to answer the question. Teacher instruct students to do exercises in the workbook regarding this chapter.

Time9.45 am - 10.55 am
Class5 K 1
ThemeBalance And Management Of The Environment
Learning AreaPreservation And Conservation Of The Environment
Learning ObjectiveAnalysing the effects of environmental pollution
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to analyze and give answers based on their result
ActivitiesDiscuss the result and question from the experiment
Noble ValuesAppreciating the contribution of science and technology.
Teaching Aidsa) Text book
b) Reference book

c) Workbook
All of groups their their results from the last experiment. Teacher discovers that students are able to get the best result even though they are varied in answers. During discussion, students give ideas by applying their previous knowledge on grrenhouse effect on this experiment. Students also ask several questions regarding the experiment that they do not understand.


Time8.15 am - 9.15 am
Class4 Science 3
ThemeMatter Around Us
Learning AreaChemical Equation and Formulae
Periodic Table Of Elements
Learning ObjectiveRevision
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to remember all the formulas involved in chapter 3 and all elements in chapter 4.
ActivitiesTest on their memory regarding chapter 3 and 4
Noble ValuesAppreciating the contribution of science and technology.
Teaching Aidsa) Text book
b) Reference book

c) Workbook
All of students already remember all the formulas and elements as well as chemical reactions involved. Students seem motivated after being punish on last class. Teacher is very happy with the improvement show by students. Students do exercises in the workbook regarding chapter 4 for better understanding.


Time9.45 am - 10.55 am
Class5 Science 1
ThemeInteraction Between Chemicals
Learning AreaOxidation And Reduction
Learning ObjectiveAnalysing redox reaction
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) Relate the oxidation number of an element to the name of its compound using the IUPAC nomenclature.
b) Explain with examples oxidation and reduction processes in term of the change in the oxidation number.

c) Explain with examples oxidising and reducing agents in redox reactions.
d) Write oxidation and reduction half-equations and ionic equations.
ActivitiesCarry out activities to investigate oxidation and reduction in the following reaction :
a) Combustion of metal in oxygen  or chlorine
b) Heating of metallic oxide with carbon
c) Change of Fe2t ions to Fe3t ions and ions.
d) Displacement of metal from its salt solution
Noble ValuesAppreciating the balance of nature.
Teaching Aidsa) Text book
b) Reference book
Today's objectives do not achieve. Less than 10 of the students understand this lesson. They have no problems when discuss about the displacement of metals from its salt solution but have difficulties to understand the concept of change of Fe2t ions to Fe3t ions and ions and vice versa. Teacher explains many time they also do not understand. Therefore, teacher has to repeat this lesson on the next class.


Time11.30 am - 12.40 pm
Class4 K 9
ThemeMaintenance And Continuity Of Life
Learning AreaBody Coordination
Learning ObjectiveUnderstanding cell division
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to state what mitosis is
ActivitiesDoing activity by drawing the stages in mitosis for each student
Noble ValuesAppreciating the balance of nature.
Teaching Aidsa) Textbook
b) Reference book
All of student success on drawing the stages of mitosis process on their A4 paper. Students seem active and try to draw the best they can. Teacher check their work and praise.


Time8.15 am – 9.05 am
Class4 Science 1
ThemeMatter Around Us
Learning AreaChemical Bonds
Learning ObjectiveUnderstanding formation of compounds
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) Explain the stability of inert gases.
b) Explain conditions for the formation of chemical bonds.
c) State types of chemical bonds.
ActivitiesDiscuss :
a) The stability of inert gases.
b) Conditions for the formation of chemical bonds.
c) Types of chemical bonds.
Noble ValuesAppreciating the contribution of science and technology.
Teaching Aidsa) Text book
b) Reference book
Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to understand well today's lesson. They also able to write the equation for formation of anion and cation.


Time10.10 am – 11.10 am
Class4 Science 2
ThemeMatter Around Us
Learning AreaPeriodic Table Of Elements
Learning ObjectiveAnalysing Group 17 element
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) List all Group 17 elements.
b) State the general physical properties of chlorine, bromine and iodine.
c) Describe changes in the physical properties from chlorine to iodine.
d) List the chemical properties of chlorine, bromine and iodine.
e) Describe the similarities in chemical properties of chlorine, bromine and iodine.
f) Relate the chemical properties of Group 17 elements with their electron arrangements.
g) Describe changes in reactivity of Group 17 elements down the group.
h) Predict physical and chemical properties of other elements in Group 17.
i) State the safety precautions when handling Group 17 elements.
ActivitiesDiscuss and collect information of Group 17 elements.
Noble ValuesAppreciating the balance of nature.
Teaching Aidsa) Text book
b) Reference book
At first, all of students seem blur because already forget Group 18 elements. Teacher recalls back lesson about Group 18 elements because want to relate with Group 17 and differentiate with Group 1. Teacher builds a table of comparison that consist all the important point regarding Group 18, 1 and 17. Only then students are able to understand better and notice the differences.


Time12.10 pm – 12.40 pm
Class5 K 1
ThemeMatter In Nature
Learning AreaCarbon Compounds
Learning ObjectiveAnalysing oil palm and its importance to national development
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) Describe the structure of an oil palm fruit
b) Describe the process of extracting palm oil from the oil palm fruit
c) List the uses of palm oil
ActivitiesDiscuss the uses of palm oil
Noble ValuesAppreciating the contribution of science and technology.
Teaching Aidsa) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Workbook
All of students give positive respond towards today's lesson. They use their prior knowledge and daily life experiences to give the answer for teacher's question.


Time7.05 am - 8.15 am
Class4 Science 3
ThemeMatter Around Us
Learning AreaChemical Bonds
Learning ObjectiveUnderstanding formation of compounds
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) Explain the stability of inert gases.
b) Explain conditions for the formation of chemical bonds.
c) State types of chemical bonds.
ActivitiesDiscuss :
a) The stability of inert gases.
b) Conditions for the formation of chemical bonds.
c) Types of chemical bonds.
Noble ValuesAppreciating the balance of nature.
Teaching Aidsa) Textbook
b) Reference book
Half number of students find this lesson a bit tough for them. Got 3 of the students need further monitoring on this subtopic because they always careless especially when derive and writing the formation of cation and anion. They have difficulties on counting the number of electron after the transferring of electron. Teacher gives many examples as can to make them understand better. To evaluate their understanding, teacher gives exercises for them to be completed.


Time8.15 am – 9.25 am
Class5 Science 1
ThemeInteraction  Between Chemicals
Learning AreaOxidation And Reduction
Learning ObjectiveAnalyzing rusting as a redox reaction
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) Relate the oxidation number of an element to the name of its compound using the IUPAC nomenclature.
b) Explain with examples oxidation and reduction processes in term of the change in the oxidation number.

c) Explain with examples oxidising and reducing agents in redox reactions.
d) Write oxidation and reduction half-equations and ionic equations.
ActivitiesCarry out activities to investigate oxidation and reduction in the following reaction :
a) Change of Fe2t ions to Fe3t ions and ions.
b) Displacement of metal from its salt solution

c) Displacement of halogens from its halide solution
d) Transfer of electrons at a distance.
Noble ValuesAppreciating the contribution of science and technology.
Teaching Aidsa) Textbook
b) Reference book
Today's objectives are achieved. Teacher can see that students improved better from last class in which they cannot understand clearly. During recall back the lesson, all of them are able to identify and state the redox reaction and explain the process occur. Students have no problems with today's lesson since they understand well the redox process therefore they are able to explain and write equation for the displacement of halogens and transfer of electron at a distance.


Time8.15 am - 9.25 am
Class4 Science 2
ThemeMatter Around Us
Learning AreaPeriodic Table Of Elements
Learning ObjectiveAnalysing elements in a Period
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) List all elements in Period 3.
b) Write electron arrangements of all elements in Period 3.
c) Describe changes in the properties of elements across Period 3.
d) State changes in the properties of the oxides of elements across Period 3.
e) Predict changes in the properties of elements across Period 2.
f) Describe uses of semi-metals.

g) Identify the positions of the transition elements in the Periodic Table
h) Give examples of transition elements
i) Describe properties of transition elements
j) State uses of transition elements in industries
ActivitiesDiscuss :
a) Changes in the properties of elements across Period 3.
b) Properties of transition elements with respect to melting points, density, variable oxidation numbers and ability to form coloured compounds.
Noble ValuesAppreciating the balance of nature.
Teaching Aidsa) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Workbook
Today's objectives are achieved. Teacher discovers that several students show improvement not like before. These group of students always cannot give answer when ask by teacher. But today they show their improvement that indicates they do homework at home. Teacher feels happy and being encourage by them. All of students do not have problem when discuss about the properties for element in Period 3 because they are able to relate several terms with previous lesson. Teacher asks students to do exercises in their workbook to evaluate their understanding.


Time10.40 am – 11.40 am
Class5 K 1
ThemeMatter In Nature
Learning AreaCarbon Compounds
Learning ObjectiveAnalysing oil palm and its importance to national development
Learning OutcomeStudent is able to :
a) List the nutritional substances found in palm oil
b) Describe the local R&D activities on oil palm
c) Suggest the potential uses of oil palm.
ActivitiesDiscuss the potential uses of palm oil
Noble ValuesAppreciating the balance in nature
Teaching Aidsa) Textbook
b) Reference book

c) Workbook
Most of the students are able to describe the extraction process of palm oil. They refer to their workbook and give points when ask by teacher. Students also able to give the uses of palm oil based on their daily life experiences. Teacher reinforces them by giving extra notes regarding this subtopic. Today's objectives are achieved.



21/4/2012 ~ Guru mengambil Cuti Kursus Sambilan