Date | 8/7/2013 |
Time | 7.05 am – 8.15 am |
Class | 4K8 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Energy In Life |
Learning Area | Energy And Chemical Changes |
Learning Objective | Analyzing heat change in chemical reactions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Identify reaction involving heat loss b) Identify reaction involving heat gain c) Relate changes in temperature of reactants to exothermic and endothermic reactions |
Activities | Discuss results of the experiment and complete report. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook c) Workbook |
Reflection | All of students are able to get the correct results. They submit their report at the end of the class. |
Date | 8/7/2013 |
Time | 8.15 am – 9.25 am |
Class | 4S3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing the electrolysis of aqueous solutions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Discuss the electrolysis of aqueous solution. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | About 10 students have difficulties on understanding and completing the exercises given by teacher. Therefore, teacher monitors and guides them step by step to make sure they understand the process clearly. Today's objectives are not fully achieved. |
Date | 9/7/2013 |
Time | 9.45 am – 10.55 am |
Class | 5S2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Evaluating energy changes in chemical reactions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Collect and interpret data on exothermic and endothermic reaction. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to understand the concept of exothermic and endothermic reactions. Students make comparison on both reactions by building a table in their exercise book. They also able to draw the energy level diagram correctly with guidance by teacher. |
Date | 9/7/2013 |
Time | 11.30 am – 12.40 pm |
Class | 4S1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing the electrolysis of aqueous solutions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : e) Explain using examples factors affecting electrolysis of an aqueous solution. |
Activities | Discuss the electrolysis of aqueous solution and factors affecting electrolysis in aqueous solution |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. This is because, about 15 of the students unable to identify the ion that will be chosen at anode. They need more exercises on concentration factors and cannot differentiate this process with the factor of position in electrochemical series. Therefore, teacher gives several exercises to make sure they understand better. |
Date | 10/7/2013 |
Time | 7.05 am – 8.05 am |
Class | 5S3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Oxidation And Reduction |
Learning Objective | Analysing redox reactions in electrolytic and chemical cells |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Discuss redox reactions in electrolytic and chemical cells. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. This lesson is regarding their prior knowledge during form 4 and teacher discovers that students are able to relate it with today's lesson. They are able to give correct answers and completing exercises given. |
Date | 10/7/2013 |
Time | 9.25 am – 10.25 am |
Class | 4S3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing the electrolysis of aqueous solutions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Discuss factors affecting electrolysis in aqueous solution. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Only 5 of the students understand well today's lesson. Since they are weak on the electrolysis process for first factor, so they unable to proceed with concentration factor. Teacher gives examples and exercises to help them. Students ask teacher if do not understand. Today's objectives are not fully achieved. |
Date | 10/7/2013 |
Time | 11.25 am – 11.55 am |
Class | 4K8 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Energy In Life |
Learning Area | Energy And Chemical Changes |
Learning Objective | Applying the concepts of reactivity series of metals |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Relate the position of metals in the reactivity series to the method of extraction of metals from their ores. b) Explain with examples the process of extraction of a metal from its ore using carbon c) State the importance of reactivity series. |
Activities | Discuss the importance of reactivity series in industry |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook c) Workbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. Students are able to give correct responds and state the importance of reactivity series in industry. |
Date | 11/7/2013 |
Time | 9.25 am – 10.25 am |
Class | 5S2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding heat of precipitation |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Carry out an activity to solve numerical problems related to heat of precipitation using information based on thermochemical equations. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. About 15 of the students unable to get the correct answers for calculation on heat of precipitation. They familiar with the formula but they do not master the problem solving process. Teacher gives exercises to evaluate their understanding. |
Date | 11/7/2013 |
Time | 10.25 am – 11.25 am |
Class | 4S1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing the electrolysis of aqueous solutions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : e) Explain using examples factors affecting electrolysis of an aqueous solution. |
Activities | Discuss the electrolysis of aqueous solution and factors affecting electrolysis in aqueous solution |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to get the correct answers for exercises given by teacher and discussion on question going smooth. |
Date | 12/7/2013 |
Time | 9.40 am – 10.40 am |
Class | 4K8 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Energy In Life |
Learning Area | Energy And Chemical Changes |
Learning Objective | Understanding electrolysis |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State what electrolysis is b) State what anode, cathode, anion and electrolyte are c) Describe the electrolysis of an electrolyte using carbon electrodes d) Explain the uses of electrolysis in industry. |
Activities | Discuss the importance of electrolysis in industry |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook c) Workbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to identify the anode and cathode with guidance from teacher. However, they still weak in explaining the overall process involved. Teacher gives many examples to help them understand better. |
Date | 12/7/2013 |
Time | 10.40 am – 11.40 am |
Class | 5S3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Evaluating energy changes in chemical reactions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Collect and interpret data on exothermic and endothermic reaction. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | All of students are able to differentiate between endothermic and exothermic reaction. They build a table of comparison to give them quick information regarding both reactions. Teacher gives exercises to evaluate their understanding. Today's objectives are achieved. |
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