Date | 19/7/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 5K4 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Theme | Statistic |
Learning Area | Statistic |
Learning Objective | Revision on form 4 topic. |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to collect information from ungrouped data and draw the histogram |
Activities | Do revision and exercises. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | All of students try to do the exercises because they already learn about this topic last year. About half of the students are able to do the exercises until draw the histogram. The rest of them need teacher's guidance to answer all the questions. |
Date | 19/7/2010 |
Time | 10.55 am - 12.05 pm |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding heat of precipitation |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State what heat of reaction is b) State what heat of precipitation is c) Determine the heat of precipitation of a reaction d) Construct an energy level diagram for a precipitation reaction e) Solve numerical problems related to heat of precipitation |
Activities | Carry out an activity to solve numerical problems related to heat of precipitation using information based on thermochemical equations. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Only 8 of the students do not understand the topic because they cannot apply the knowledge well whenever the questions are tricky a bit. The rest of them try to calculate the heat of precipitation and they stuck during calculation of energy needed or give out for 1 mol. Therefore teacher gives several questions regarding calculation of mol to make them understand better. |
Date | 19/7/2010 |
Time | 12.05 pm - 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing the electrolysis of aqueous solutions |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer all questions about electrolysis of aqueous solution in textbook correctly. |
Activities | Doing exercises on subtopic electrolysis of aqueous solution. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Teacher discuss question 1 only because not enough time to discuss second question. Most of the students can answer the questions correctly. |
Date | 20/7/2010 |
Time | 9.45 am - 10.25 am |
Class | 4 K 7 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Theme | Statistic |
Learning Area | Statistic |
Learning Objective | Collect information from ungrouped data |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to collect information from ungrouped data and draw the histogram |
Activities | Doing exercises given by teacher |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | Students continue doing exercises same as previous lesson. They make it complete until the final stage which is drawing histogram. Teacher monitors them during exercises time. |
Date | 20/7/2010 |
Time | 10.55 am - 11.30 am |
Class | 5 K 4 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Theme | Statistics |
Learning Area | Statistics |
Learning Objective | Revision of form 4 topic |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to collect information from ungrouped data and draw the histogram |
Activities | Do revision and exercises. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | Teacher gives exercises to reinforce their knowledge on statistic. Most of the students are able to draw the histogram and complete the table given in the exercises. |
Date | 20/7/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding heat of displacement |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State what heat of displacement is b) Determine heat of displacement c) Construct the energy level diagram for a displacement reaction d) solve numerical problems related to heat of displacement. |
Activities | Discuss the meaning of heat of displacement and calculate the heat of displacement. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | About 20 students understand today's lesson. They try to use their prior knowledge on heat of precipitation into this calculation using the same concept. |
Date | 21/7/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing voltaic cell |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Describe the structure of a simple voltaic cell and Daniell cell. b) Explain the production of electricity from a simple voltaic cell. c) Explain the reactions in a simple voltaic cell and Daniell cell. d) Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various voltaic cells. e) Describe the differences between electrolytic and voltaic cells. |
Activities | Study the structure of a voltaic cell and Daniell cell. Discuss and compare an electrolytic cell with voltaic cell. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students understand today's topic because they can explain the differences between electrolytic cell and voltaic cell. They also can describe how the electricity is produced from a simple voltaic cell. |
Date | 21/7/2010 |
Time | 9.45 am - 10.50 am |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing voltaic cell |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Describe the structure of a simple voltaic cell and Daniell cell. b) Explain the production of electricity from a simple voltaic cell. c) Explain the reactions in a simple voltaic cell and Daniell cell. d) Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various voltaic cells. e) Describe the differences between electrolytic and voltaic cells. |
Activities | Study the structure of a voltaic cell and Daniell cell. Discuss and compare an electrolytic cell with voltaic cell. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | At first, students do not understand because they think voltaic cell same with electrolytic cell. However, they understand the differences between electrolytic and voltaic cell after explained by teacher. |
Date | 21/7/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 5 Science 2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding heat of neutralisation |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State what heat of neutralisation is b) Determine the heat of neutralisation c) Construct energy level diagrams for various types of neutralisation reactions d) Compare the heat of neutralisation for the reaction between a strong acid and a strong alkali with the heat of neutralisation for a reaction between a weak acid and/or a weak alkali. e) Explain the differences of the heat of neutralisation for a strong acid and a strong alkali with the heat of neutralisation for a reaction involving a weak acid and/or a weak alkali f) Solve numerical problems related to heat of neutralisation |
Activities | Discuss the meaning and calculate the heat of neutralisation |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students applying the same step for calculation as in the previous lesson. They understand better and do more exercises on this subtopic. |
Date | 22/7/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 5 Science 2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding heat of combustion |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State what heat of combustion is b) Determine the heat of combustion for a reaction c) Construct an energy level diagram for a combustion reaction d) Compare the heat of combustion of various alcohols e) State what fuel value is f) Describe the difference between heats of combustion of various alcohols g) Describe the applications of fuel value h) Compare and contrast fuel values for various fuels i) Solve numerical problems related to heat of combustion. |
Activities | Discuss and calculate the heat of combustion. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students are able to answer all questions and calculate the heat of combustion together with fuel value. They use their prior knowledge on the same step of calculation and apply in this subtopic. Teacher gives exercises to reinforce them. |
Date | 22/7/2010 |
Time | 8.50 am - 9.25 am |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Thermochemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding heat of precipitation Understanding heat of displacement |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer questions in the textbool correctly. |
Activities | Doing exercises in the textbook. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | No P&P today because students involved in workshop at computer lab. |
Date | 22/7/2010 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 K 7 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Theme | Statistic |
Learning Area | Statistic |
Learning Objective | Collect information from ungrouped data |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to collect information from ungrouped data and draw the histogram |
Activities | Doing exercises given by teacher |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book |
Reflection | All of students can draw the polygon frequency very well. They can calculate the midpoint and also the frequency correctly. |
Date | 23/7/2010 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing the electrolysis of aqueous solution Evaluating electrolysis in industry Analysing voltaic cell |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer all the exercises correctly. |
Activities | Doing exercises quick review C, D and E in the textbook. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | Most of the students do not do the exercises comlpletely. They are lazy and hoping on teacher to give the answers. Teacher discusses with them on the spot and force them to give the answer in order to make them realize the important of this chapter. |
Date | 23/7/2010 |
Time | 9.45 am - 10.40 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Electrochemistry |
Learning Objective | Analysing the electrolysis of aqueous solution Evaluating electrolysis in industry Analysing voltaic cell |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer all the exercises correctly. |
Activities | Doing exercises quick review C, D and E in the textbook. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point slide show |
Reflection | All of students do the exercises completely and about 90% of their answers is correct. Students give their effort in studying and this shows that they are responsible towards themselves. |
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