Date | 28/3/2011 |
Time | 9.45 am - 10.55 am |
Class | 5 Science 2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analyzing carboxylic acids |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : e) Describe the preparation of ethanoic acid acid in the laboratory. |
Activities | Construct a table with names and molecular formulae of the first four members of carboxylic acid, and draw their structural formulae. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Text book c) Power point presentation d) Workbook |
Reflection | 6 of the students do not understand well when coming to naming of the compound. Teacher gives several examples and gives simplest way in naming the carboxylic acid. Teacher also tries to relate today's content with previous lesson. Students are very excited during naming when the structural formulae come out on the LCD screen. Today's objective is achieved because all of the students are able to give correct name and drawing the structural formulae properly. They also can explain the trend of physical properties correctly. |
Date | 28/3/2011 |
Time | 10.55 am - 11.30 am |
Class | 4 K 6 |
Subject | PBM |
Theme | Mengeja |
Learning Area | Mengeja |
Learning Objective | Menambahkan penguasaan ejaan dalam kalangan pelajar. |
Learning Outcome | Pelajar dapat mengeja setiap perkataan dengan betul. |
Activities | Guru memberi beberapa perkataan dan pelajar mengeja perkataan tersebut. |
Noble Values | Menghargai kosa kata Bahasa Melayu. |
Teaching Aids | Buku Latihan |
Reflection | Semua pelajar cuba mengeja perkataan yang diberikan oleh guru melalui bunyi vokal yang disebut oleh guru. Hanya terdapat 3 orang pelajar yang tidak dapat mengeja semua perkataan dengan betul. Yang selebihnya bagus dan dapat mengeja dengan betul. |
Date | 29/3/2011 |
Time | 8.15 am - 9.25 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | Periodic Table Of Elements |
Learning Objective | Analysing Group 17 element |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Discuss and collect information of Group 17 elements. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook d) Workbook |
Reflection | All of students understand well. Today's objective is achieved. Students are able to explain the trend of physical properties of element in Group 17. They are also able to write down the chemical reaction and balance them correctly. During exercises, they discuss among the group members and ask if they have problems. Teacher guides and monitors them. |
Date | 29/3/2011 |
Time | 9.45 am – 10.20 am |
Class | 5 K 8 |
Subject | PBM |
Theme | Mengeja |
Learning Area | Mengeja |
Learning Objective | Menambahkan penguasaan ejaan dalam kalangan pelajar. |
Learning Outcome | Pelajar dapat mengeja setiap perkataan dengan betul. |
Activities | Guru memberi beberapa perkataan bermula huruf D dan E untuk dieja oleh pelajar. |
Noble Values | Menghargai kosa kata Bahasa Melayu. |
Teaching Aids | Buku Latihan |
Reflection | Tidak berlaku pengajaran dan pembelajaran kerana perhimpunan tingkatan 5 diadakan. |
Date | 29/3/2011 |
Time | 10.55 am – 11.30 am |
Class | 4 K 1 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Maintenance And Continuity Of Life |
Learning Area | Heredity And Variation |
Learning Objective | Understanding Mutation |
Learning Outcome | Students is able to : a) List the contributions of genetic research in various fields b) Explain selective breeding in plants and livestock c) State the importance of selective breeding in plants and livestock d) Describe the technology used for selective breeding |
Activities | Discuss : a) Selective breeding in plants and livestock b) The importance of selective breeding in plants and livestock |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook c) Power point presentation d) Workbook |
Reflection | All of students show interest and curiosity towards today's lesson. They use their previous knowledge and apply it in today's content. 10 of the students are able to come out with ideas that relate the effects of genetic research on human life. Today's objectives are achieved. Students give the correct answer for all question in the workbook. |
Date | 29/3/2011 |
Time | 12.05 pm – 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 K 4 |
Subject | PMM |
Theme | Revision |
Learning Area | Sets |
Learning Objective | Sets |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer all questions given. |
Activities | Doing exercises in the handouts given by teacher. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook c) Handouts |
Reflection | All of students continue doing exercises in the handout given by teacher. They ask teacher if do not understand and cannot solve the problems. Teacher guides and monitors them. |
Date | 30/3/2011 |
Time | 7.05 am – 8.15 am |
Class | 4 K 1 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Maintenance And Continuity Of Life |
Learning Area | Heredity And Variation |
Learning Objective | Analyzing variation among living things |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State what variation is b) List variation in humans c) Classify variation into continuous and discontinuous variation d) Compare and contrast continuous and discontinuous variation |
Activities | i) Discuss : a) Continuous variation and discontinuous variation b) Examples of continuous variation and discontinuous variation ii) Carry out an activity to compare and contrast continuous variation with discontinuous variation and illustrate the similarities and differences in a graphic organizer. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook c) Power point presentation d) Workbook |
Reflection | All of students are very excited during activity time. Teacher let students do activity for continuous variation and discontinuous variation. They discuss among friends and do the graph from the data collected. Teacher guides and monitors them during activity time. Today's objectives are achieved. Students are able to differentiate between continuous and discontinuous variation. |
Date | 30/3/2011 |
Time | 9.45 am - 10.55 am |
Class | 5 Science 2 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Carbon Compounds |
Learning Objective | Analysing carboxylic acids |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | Collect and interpret data on chemical properties of ethanoic acid through its reaction. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook c) Power point presentation d) Workbook |
Reflection | At first, all of students do not understand the reaction of carboxylic acid with other compound because they weak when come to dissociation of ions. Teacher explains one by one and does the formation of product by using previous knowledge. By doing this, all of students get a clearer understanding and try to apply their prior knowledge in order to solve the equations. Students also can give examples of carboxylic acid that are used in daily life. Today's objectives are achieved. |
Date | 30/3/2011 |
Time | 11.30 am - 12.40 pm |
Class | 5 K 8 |
Subject | Bahasa Melayu |
Theme | Pantun |
Learning Area | Pantun |
Learning Objective | Menambahkan penguasaan sebutan dan intonasi dalam berpantun |
Learning Outcome | Pelajar belajar berpantun dengan betul. |
Activities | Guru memberi pantun seterusnya guru mengajar cara berpantun dengan betul. |
Noble Values | Menghargai Pantun Melayu. |
Teaching Aids | Buku Latihan |
Reflection | Semua pelajar teruja untuk membaca pantun. Guru menekankan intonasi yang betul semasa membaca pantun. |
Date | 31/3/2011 |
Time | 9.45 am – 10.55 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | Periodic Table Of Elements |
Learning Objective | Analysing elements in a Period |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : g) Identify the positions of the transition elements in the Periodic Table h) Give examples of transition elements i) Describe properties of transition elements j) State uses of transition elements in industries |
Activities | Discuss : a) Changes in the properties of elements across Period 3. b) Properties of transition elements with respect to melting points, density, variable oxidation numbers and ability to form coloured compounds. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point presentation d) Workbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students understand very well because they use their previous knowledge and relate it with the trend in periods. Students also can describe the properties and uses of transition elements in industry. Teacher gives exercises to evaluate them. |
Date | 31/3/2011 |
Time | 11.30 am – 12.40 pm |
Class | 4 K 4 |
Subject | PMM |
Theme | Mathematical Reasoning |
Learning Area | Mathematical Reasoning |
Learning Objective | Revision on topic form 4 |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to answer all questions given. |
Activities | Doing exercises in the handouts given by teacher. |
Noble Values | Being thankful to God. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | At first, students seem lost because they already forgot their previous lesson. Even the basic about statement also they cannot remember. Only 3 of the students try to give correct answer when ask by teacher. Teacher has to reinforce them by recall back the lesson, only then they are able to solve the problems. Students test their understanding by doing exercises in the handouts given. Teacher guides and monitors them. Students ask if they have problem while answering the questions. |
Date | 1/4/2011 |
Time | 8.15 am – 9.25 am |
Class | 4 K 1 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Maintenance And Continuity Of Life |
Learning Area | Heredity And Variation |
Learning Objective | Analyzing variation among living things |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Identify factors that cause variation b) Explain the importance of variation |
Activities | Discuss : a) Factors which cause variation b) The importance of variation |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook b) Reference book c) Power point presentation d) Workbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to state the factors that cause variation. Students also able to describe the importance of variation based on daily life experiences. Teacher gives exercises to evaluate their understanding. After discussion, teacher discovers that 20 out of 30 students got it all correct for the answers. |
Date | 1/4/2011 |
Time | 10.40 am – 11.40 am |
Class | 4 K 6 |
Subject | PBM |
Theme | Kuiz |
Learning Area | Kuiz |
Learning Objective | Menguji kefahaman pelajar dalam elemen Bahasa Melayu |
Learning Outcome | Pelajar dapat memilih jawapan yang betul bagi setiap soalan |
Activities | Kuiz |
Noble Values | Pelajar dapat menambah pengetahuan simpulan bahasa di samping pemilihan jawapan yang sesuai bagi melengkapkan ayat |
Teaching Aids | Buku Latihan |
Reflection | Semua pelajar berusaha melengkapkan ayat dan memilih simpulan bahasa yang bersesuaian. Guru menerangkan maksud simpulan bahasa supaya lebih senang bagi pelajar untuk memilih jawapan yang betul. Sebahagian daripada pelajar bertanyakan maksud simpulan bahasa yang tidak pernah mereka ketahui. Semua pelajar dapat memilih jawapan yang betul bagi semua soalan. |
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