Date | 6/1/2014 |
Time | 7.05 am - 8.15 am |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Introducing Chemistry |
Learning Area | Introduction to Chemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding chemistry and its importance. |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : f) Synthesizing scientific method. |
Activities | a) Collect and interpret the meaning of the word 'chemistry'. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | No T&L learning occur since teacher distributes textbooks to all of students in the class. |
Date | 6/1/2014 |
Time | 9.45 am – 10.20 am |
Class | 5K5 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Man And The Variety Of Living Things |
Learning Area | Microorganisms and their effects on living things |
Learning Objective | Understanding the classification of microorganisms |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to: a) List the characteristics of various types of microorganisms b) Classify microorganisms into bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and algae c) Describe the characteristics of each group of microorganisms. |
Activities | View videos or computer simulations and discuss the following: a) Various groups of microorganism, i.e. bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and algae b) Characteristics of each group of microorganisms in terms of appearance, shape, size, method of reproduction, nutrition and habitat. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Text book |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. Because of time constraint, teacher only covers for virus only. However, all of students are involved actively during lesson and ask teacher a lot of questions. Teacher evaluates them straight away to make sure they understand the content of knowledge for today. |
Date | 7/1/2014 |
Time | 8.15 am – 9.25 am |
Class | 5K8 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Man And The Variety Of Living Things |
Learning Area | Microorganisms and their effects on living things |
Learning Objective | Understanding the classification of microorganisms |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to: a) List the characteristics of various types of microorganisms b) Classify microorganisms into bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and algae c) Describe the characteristics of each group of microorganisms. |
Activities | View videos or computer simulations and discuss the following: a) Various groups of microorganism, i.e. bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and algae b) Characteristics of each group of microorganisms in terms of appearance, shape, size, method of reproduction, nutrition and habitat. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. This is because only about 5 of students are able to give the correct answers when ask by teacher. The rest of them just simply give nonsense answer and do not even refer to their notes. Teacher asks students to draw several named microorganisms to help them recognize their types. |
Date | 7/1/2014 |
Time | 10.55 am – 12.05 pm |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Rate Of Reaction |
Learning Objective | Analysing Rate Of Reaction |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State what rate of reaction is. c) Determine the rate of reaction at any given time from a graph. |
Activities | Discuss : c) Identify observable changes to reactants or products and its method of measurement in order to determine the rate of reaction and carry out problem solving activities involving rate of reaction. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Text book |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. At first, all of students are able to understand the explanation given by teacher regarding average rate of reaction and instantaneous rate of reaction. Teacher gives several examples to help them get a clearer understanding. However, during exercises time teacher discovers that all of them unable to solve the problems given. Therefore, teacher needs to recall back the steps involve for the calculation and guide them step by step to make sure they are able to get the correct answer. 10 of the students are able to draw the graph smoothly and continue with the calculation. |
Date | 8/1/2014 |
Time | 7.05 am – 8.15 am |
Class | 4 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Introducing Chemistry |
Learning Area | Introduction to Chemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding chemistry and its importance. |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : f) Synthesizing scientific method. |
Activities | a) Collect and interpret the meaning of the word 'chemistry'. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students understand well today's lesson and able to give correct answer when ask by teacher. They ask teacher if do not understand. |
Date | 8/1/2014 |
Time | 8.15 am - 9.25 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Introducing Chemistry |
Learning Area | Introduction to Chemistry |
Learning Objective | Understanding chemistry and its importance. |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : f) Synthesizing scientific method. |
Activities | a) Collect and interpret the meaning of the word 'chemistry'. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students understand well today's lesson and able to give correct answer when ask by teacher. They involved actively by contribute ideas based on their daily life experiences. |
Date | 8/1/2014 |
Time | 10.20 am – 11.30 am |
Class | 5K5 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Man And The Variety Of Living Things |
Learning Area | Microorganisms and their effects on living things |
Learning Objective | Understanding the classification of microorganisms |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to: a) List the characteristics of various types of microorganisms b) Classify microorganisms into bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and algae c) Describe the characteristics of each group of microorganisms. |
Activities | View videos or computer simulations and discuss the following: a) Various groups of microorganism, i.e. bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and algae b) Characteristics of each group of microorganisms in terms of appearance, shape, size, method of reproduction, nutrition and habitat. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Text book |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. After lesson, teacher evaluates their understanding and discovers that about 10 of the students unable to give correct answers and differentiate the types of microorganisms very well. Therefore, before class end, teacher reinforce them by recall back the knowledge and highlight on important things to help them understand better. |
Date | 9/1/2014 |
Time | 8.15 am – 9.05 am |
Class | 5 Science 3 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Interaction Between Chemicals |
Learning Area | Rate Of Reaction |
Learning Objective | Synthesizing factors affecting the rate of reaction. |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : b) Give examples of reaction that are affected by temperature catalyst and pressure. d) Describe how factors affecting the rate of reaction are applied in daily life and industrial processes. |
Activities | a) Discuss possible factors affecting the rate of reaction. i) Reaction between CaCO3 and HCl. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. Teacher covers the discussion for first factor only which is surface area. Students understand well and able to give the relationship between surface area and the rate of reaction. Teacher gives several examples related to daily life experiences to make understand better. Second period is use to discuss the previous problem solving since almost all of them unable to get the correct answers. |
Date | 9/1/2014 |
Time | 10.10 am – 11.10 am |
Class | 5K5 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Man And The Variety Of Living Things |
Learning Area | Microorganisms and their effects on living things |
Learning Objective | Applying knowledge about useful microorganisms |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State examples of uses of microorganisms, b) Explain with examples the roles of useful microorganisms, c) Suggest potential uses of microorganisms in various fields. |
Activities | View videos or computer simulations and discuss the uses and roles of microorganisms: a) Food digestion, b) Decaying process, c) Medicine, agriculture and industry. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Text book |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. All of students are able to give correct answer when ask by teacher during the lesson. They contribute ideas based on their prior knowledge and daily life experiences. Teacher gives exercises to evaluate their understanding. |
Date | 9/1/2014 |
Time | 11.10 am - 11.40 am |
Class | 5K8 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Man And The Variety Of Living Things |
Learning Area | Microorganisms and their effects on living things |
Learning Objective | Synthesising ideas about the factors that affect the growth of microorganisms |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) Identify factors that affect the growth of microorganisms b) Explain how each factor affects the growth of microorganisms. |
Activities | Discuss the factors affect the growth of microorganisms |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. About 15 of the students only are able to give correct answer when ask by teacher during discussion. The rest of them just give nonsense answer since they know nothing about the content of today's lesson. At the end of the class teacher reinforces them before giving exercises to help them understand better. |
Date | 10/1/2014 |
Time | 7.05 am – 8.15 am |
Class | 4 Science 1 |
Subject | Chemistry |
Theme | Matter Around Us |
Learning Area | The Structure Of The Atom |
Learning Objective | Analysing Matter |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : |
Activities | a) Discuss and explain the particulate nature of matter. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the balance of nature. |
Teaching Aids | a) Text book |
Reflection | Today's objectives are not fully achieved. This is because teacher only able to covers until heating curve and lesson on cooling curve will be continue in the next lesson. During discussion, about 10 of the students cannot give good answers based on the question given by teacher. The rest of students understand very well and involved actively in the discussion. Therefore, teacher helps weak students by giving extra explanation together with examples and help of diagram. Only then, all of them get clearer observation about the kinetic theory of matter and changes in the state of matter. |
Date | 10/1/2014 |
Time | 8.15 am – 9.40 am |
Class | 5K8 |
Subject | Science |
Theme | Man And The Variety Of Living Things |
Learning Area | Microorganisms and their effects on living things |
Learning Objective | Applying knowledge about useful microorganisms |
Learning Outcome | Student is able to : a) State examples of uses of microorganisms, b) Explain with examples the roles of useful microorganisms, c) Suggest potential uses of microorganisms in various fields. |
Activities | View videos or computer simulations and discuss the uses and roles of microorganisms: a) Food digestion, b) Decaying process, c) Medicine, agriculture and industry. |
Noble Values | Appreciating the contribution of science and technology. |
Teaching Aids | a) Textbook |
Reflection | Today's objectives are achieved. Teacher stimulates student thinking by giving several pictures and ask them to give opinions and ideas based on the topic covered for today. Teacher gives exercises to evaluate their understanding. |
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